Humans genetically modified themselves to be extremely resilient, physically strong and intelligent. The curse of this technology permanently divided the society into genetic subclasses.
1. The Tribes
They inhabit the dangerous tropical & temperate forests and were exterminated from the society for their beastly traits. They were the one of the first humans to be genetically modified. They are associated with vigorous growth during adolescence. Though there mental ability had declined from their descendants , they had brute strength much more than that of a silverback gorilla. During their growth in labs, they destroyed their special captive areas and ran towards the forests, devastating almost every structure on their way. Despite failure, the scientists were quite overjoyed with the sense of achievement of being much closer to what they determined to achieve- the perfect human.
2. Middle Class
Funded by the wealthiest entrepreneurs, the scientists focused on producing a more loyal and safer version of the tribes. They forcefully experimented on the existing middle class humans over years. After deliberate efforts they succeeded what they once dreamt of. The middle class was primarily created to manage the plantations under the extreme conditions on the polar regions for food production. They were developed to be highly skilled in terrestrial warfare to protect the plantations from the threat of the tribes and other genetically modified beasts of prey. They were allocated with proper resources to terraform the poles into huge plantations where specially modified crops were grown, producing higher and more nutritious yields. Since the major consuming population resided outside the Earth, more material was leaving the Earth than what was being replenished. This problem was solved using a process called Alpha Carbonisation, where the municipal waste was decayed using high cosmic radiation and more particularly alpha particles. The then decayed material was transported back to Earth and used as manure after proper refining. The plantations were worked by a class of robots called Agrobots under the middle class. The Agrobots were highly advanced at agricultural prowess and could work much more efficiently at the fields and protect them in case of any cataclysmic event.
3. The Intelligentia
Owing to the advancements in genetic engineering, the scientists modified themselves into the most creative and powerful scientific brains. However, a few wealthy scientists collaborated with the entrepreneurs to develop a politically centric race for political dominance and thus also further modified the Intelligentia to be loyal to administration. The Intelligentia resides in the ring like space station orbiting the Earth's equator and monitors all the activities in the solar system and the galaxy. They had reported some unnatural activity from the central part of the galaxy, were however unsure if it was an alien sourced activity.
4. Interstellar Army
Endowed with brute strength they were a thousand times stronger and resilient than the tribes. They had supreme tactical warfare minds and guarded the whole solar system on the warships capable of reaching around 51% the speed of light. They were the masters of weapons with unfathomable power like millions of nuclear starships orbiting the sun that would instantaneously absorb energy from the sun's corona to travel at 70% the speed of light. They had huge core of exotic nuclear material extracted from Jupiter's core. A single starship was capable of shattering the moon into pieces. They could also use the Ring Of Fire to direct the energy of the sun on a single point that could cause catastrophic explosions on the that surface and destructive effects. They used powerful electromagnetic radars to scan their neighborhood within the Kuiper belt. The infrared laser boundary at the Oort cloud helped in detection of any object bigger than the mothership Andromedae T1 entering and leaving the Oort cloud. They had parasite warships that would attach to the alien spaceships and slowly destroy them along with sweeping important information from them. The army also constituted of powerful robotic soldiers which formed the suicide squad who would cause explosions on coming in contact to an alien spaceship and form protective barriers to protect the important living zones from a distance. The army soldiers underwent vigorous military training in the Kuiper Belt with hostile conditions.
Overall the army was prepared such in case an alien invasion were to take place. Developing such a powerful army was an evidence of their intelligence.
5. Administration
They were the most powerful human beings diplomatically. They were similar to the tribes in brute strength, however much smarter than any other class in terms of strategic and political mindset. They used to reside in the moon prosperous regions of solar system - Mars and Europa. They controlled all the other classes and lived their lives to the fullest. The administration was quite confirmed about some alien invasion in future and knew that they couldn't be able to fight off such a force for long. Hence, they prepared the mothership Andromedae T-1 to ensure the survival of humanity. Exceptionally, they had got the underground worlds in the large Kuiper Belt objects specially designed to accumulate themselves over the other classes in case of a catastrophic event capable of destroying mankind.
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Sincerely, Transverse
I am a passionate science and technology enthusiast who loves exploring the world of science fiction. As an amateur writer, I captivate readers with imaginative and thought-provoking narratives.
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