It is 27th century and humans have already conquered the art of genetic engineering as well as gained access over the most remote regions of the solar system.
The Earth is surrounded by a huge ring like space station orbiting the equator. Life on Earth has been severely modified through means of gene editing and humans reside on Moon, Mars, Saturn's moon Titan and Jupiter's moon Europa. Subsurface oceans of liquid oxygen were found on Enceladus which are now used to power Titan by reacting the hydrocarbon reserves found on Titan.
Scientists and the most prosperous entrepreneurs use Earth as a farm and zoo for recreational purposes. They have created huge godzilla like aquatic creatures and recreated terrestrial dinosaurs. Huge Venus Flytraps camuoflaged as stationary harmless, plants feed upon giant vertebrate cockroaches. The poles have been devoured of permafrost and huge plantations under middle class habitants called Junkers, are worked by a class of robots called Agrobots.
The humans have advanced several technologies using cutting-edge precision.
They have destroyed Mercury and combined it with asteroid belt's material to create a solar panel system called "The Ring Of Fire". The system is highly advanced with efficiency of 84% in converting the Sun's energy into electricity. The energy is channelized to Earth, Moon, Mars, Titan and Europa through electromagnetic plasma propulsion.
They have harnessed the pressure of Jupiter's core to power nuclear fusion reactors with great efficiency.
They have sent a number of unmanned interstellar probes to various extrasolar systems for exploration, which travel at around 70% the speed of light.
Humans have developed several cosmic play toys for their entertainment. A supercritically levitated cryogenic roller coaster on Pluto cooled by it's surface of solid nitrogen and oxygen.
Huge Kuiper Belt objects have been hollowed to create underground worlds replicating structures of historical importance.
In this era of constant innovations, the humans have not stopped yet. In fact they have planned to colonise the nearest habitable system of Trappist where 3 planets have been found nurturing primitive life. In the most habitable second planet from it's star, using highly advanced telescopes, it has been found that huge pterosaurs (flying dinosaur like creatures) soar within the planets ionosphere potentially to get rid of parasites.
They have been preparing a huge mothersip named Andromedae-T1 with dimensions of 1×2×4 km to house a crew of 2000 members onboard, several plant seeds and human embryos, terraforming resources, smaller ships to land on exoplanet, several warships and other resources.
Most of the crew will be put off to cryogenic hypersleep using cryostasis for the journey which has to be 10 years long to the star system 6 light years away.
They have been installing railgun accelerators and interstellar fuelling stations on the path to that solar system to accelerate the mothership to nearly 56% the speed of light within days.
Their interstellar probes have identified some rogue planets capable of serving as interstellar space stations. The rogue planet Tesla-7AS2523 is predicted to pass through the tentative path of the mothership to the Trappist Solar System. The planet is a solid mass of graphite and diamonds with carbon lava on it's surface. Nuclear traces have been found on this planet suggesting it to be used as energy source.
They have also developed effective means of interstellar communication capable of sending and receiving signals faster than the speed of light allowing live monitoring of probes several light years away.
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Sincerely, Transverse
I am a passionate science and technology enthusiast who loves exploring the world of science fiction. As an amateur writer, I captivate readers with imaginative and thought-provoking narratives.
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